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Importing .shx into autocad lt 2016 for mac

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Points Import for AutoCAD is very easy to use as it adds a new command to the AutoCAD powered application called 'PointsImport'. Number, Northing, Easting, Elevation, Description Northing, Easting, Elevation, Description Points Import for AutoCAD supports the following point file formats: This is helpful when the points in the point file are stored in a particular order such as a path of motion of an object, points on the boundary of an object or hole in an object, etc. The points can also be joined by a chain of lines, a polyline or a spline. Optionally it can also create text entities for point numbers, point descriptions and point coordinates. Points Import for AutoCAD extracts the point information from text files and creates point entities in the active drawing.

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Moreover, points from a survey may be stored in the Northing, Easting, Elevation format. These text files may also contain other information about the points such as point number and point descriptions. Point data is commonly stored in plain text file as a series of x, y and z coordinates, separated by a comma, space, tab, semicolon or a custom separator. This plug-in gives AutoCAD powered applications the ability to import point data from text files.

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Points Import for AutoCAD is a Point Text file import plug-in for AutoCAD��®.